Alchemy Sky Partners with Ken Elkinson of August Son Productions

One of the wonderful things about starting Alchemy Sky is who I have met along the way.  Music at its core is a vibrational connection and thus it brings like-minded people together who want to participate and celebrate in that connection.  Our newest Connection comes to us from L.A.: Mr. Ken Elkinson.  Ken recalled his first musical memory.  “In terms of how I got into music, as a young kid I used to jump on our old piano that the person us before left in the basement.   My parents said if I could stop jumping they would get me lessons.  That was over 35 years ago and I have never stopped.”


A New Jersey native, Ken saw his musical dreams come to fruition when he released his debut CD of original piano solos entitled Midnight Conversation  in March, 1997 after he relocated to Atlanta, Georgia. At the same time, Ken called upon his business background in creating August Son Productions, his own full service production company. Registered in 1997, ASP encompasses Far Blue Music, a publishing company, August Son Productions, the record label, and August Son Films, a film production company.


Since that time Ken has released more than 50 CDs of mainly instrumental music in a wide range of genres including new age, ambient, dance, electronica – even reggae, Bossa Nova and Latin music.  His songs can be heard on over 500 radio stations, satellite programs, inflight audio system and in dozens of commercials, documentaries and full length feature films.  In 2016 Ken won the ZMR for Best Electronic album, the equivalent to a Grammy Award.


Ken heard about Alchemy Sky and has generously given us permission to highlight his amazing instrumental pieces on a free radio station on our website.  We are deeply grateful and invite you to listen to his wonderful, original music on  For more information on Ken Elkinson’s music and art, please visit
